Saturday, November 8, 2008

women in water

Reading Annie's paper on Fefu, with the ending about the ideas of water and ice in the play, and also looking at the pictures Gedney posted brought to my mind the idea of synchronized swimming. First of all, typically when I think of synchronized swimming I think of women in the 20s or 30s, with their swimsuits and caps. As this play was meant to be set in that kind of time period, that was the first connection I drew. But I also began thinking about how in synch. swimming the women act as one body, all moving together to create an moving picture - beauty. Yet each swimmer has her own style that must be conformed to fit the group. And if any swimmer chooses to break the mold, the beauty can be lost to chaos. Perhaps this is carrying one metaphor too far, but with Gedney's pictures of the female posture and expression I think I will add some of swimmers. It is an ultimately feminine act that, while being extremely fluid and graceful, is at the same time forced and molded. Just a thought.
It is interesting to see these women's faces - they look pretty angry and vicious as they struggle to breathe while participating in the 'most graceful' of sports.

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